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    Kettlebell Single Arm High Pull

    by Sam Franklin

    Step by Step Guide to the Kettlebell Single Arm High Pull

    Step 1: The Kettlebell Single Arm High Pull

    This movement is important as it bridges the gap between the Single Arm Swing and the Single Arm Swing Snatch.  To start, approach the bell.  Place tiptoes on bell then turn one foot by 90 degrees then back to straight.  Repeat with the other foot.  You will now be standing shoulder width apart just behind the kettlebell.  

    Step 2: The Kettlebell Single Arm High Pull

    Chop and drop the hips, find your hinge point.  Place a single hand on the kettlebell.  Squeeze your shoulder blades back and down.  The free arm is forward.

    Step 3: The Kettlebell Single Arm High Pull

    Throw the kettlebell back through the legs then forward, big hip drive and swing the kettlebell up.

    Step 4: The Kettlebell Single Arm High Pull

    Get the kettlebell to swing up and float, with a moment of weightlessness, at around 11 o'clock.  If 12 is directly overhead, swing the bell to 11 o'clock.  

    Step 5: The Kettlebell Single Arm High Pull

    Bend at the wrist, bend at the elbow, at the end of the swing up, you want to create the moment of weightlessness at around 11 o'clock.  Swing kettlebell down through legs and repeat.  When you've finished your reps, park the bell.

    Related kettlebell single arm high pull exercises

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    Kettlebell Single Arm High Pull video transcript

    This is a video tutorial for the Single Arm Swing High Pull

    This exercise is very important as it bridges the gap between the single arm swing and the single arm swing snatch which is a very important movement. 

    So, what I want you to think about:  setting up exactly like a single arm swing. 

    Packing that shoulder, hike past, throwing kettlebell through legs, big hip drive but now we’re swinging the kettlebell to around 11 o’clock. 

    If I was on a clock face, this being 12, swinging to around 11 o’clock. 

    Bend at the elbow, bend at the wrist and creating this moment of weightlessness here.

    So how it looks.  Approaching bell.  Tiptoes on bell.  90 degree twists then back to straight.  Same thing on the other side. 

    Chop and drop the hips.  Single hand on bell, squeezing shoulder back and down.  Free arm is forward. 

    Throw kettlebell through the legs, big hip drive and getting that kettlebell to swing and float with a moment of weightlessness at 11 o’clock. 

    If directly overhead is 12, I want this kettlebell to float and have a moment of weightlessness at 11 o’clock.  Just over the height of my head. 

    Once I’ve done my reps I park the bell. 

    That is the video tutorial for the Single Arm Swing High Pull